Long Term Care Insurance - ABS Insurance Group

Long Term Care Insurance

Universal Life Insurance policy with a Long Term Care insurance OR Chronic Illness rider

    • Your Life Insurance Death Benefit is also your Long Term Care insurance pool of money
    • You can take up to 4% of your Total Death Benefit per month completely Tax-Free
    • If you have a $1 million policy then that would also give you the ability to take $20k/month Tax-Free for 50 months for Long Term Care medical expenses
    • We always choose a policy that will pay your family the money and Not require them to prove where the money is being spent on. You will simply receive a check each month and that is the end of it
    • You qualify for Long Term Care insurance payments if you meet 1 of 2 requirements:
      • You are diagnosed with a Cognitive Impairment — Alzheimer’s, Dementia etc…


      • You cannot complete 2 of the 6 Activities of Daily Living completely independently
        • Eating, Bathing, Dressing, Toileting, Transferring and Bowel Control
    • Policy accumulates Cash Value with each payment you make
    • Cash Value can be:
      • returned to you at any time you request
      • loaned to you at a low fixed interest rate
      • used to pay your premiums
    • Policy can be paid in any amount of years you’d like
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